Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rose Waaler

The note-taking continues!

Detection of Rheumatoid Factor
Rheumatoid factor=antibody to antibody.
Sheep red blood cells are reacted with appropriate concentration of anti-SRBC antibodies, made from rabbit or dog (odd, but apparently it works).
Appropriate concentration means it won't quite agglutinate.
Dilutions of the patient's serum are added to antibody coated SRBCs, known as sensitized SRBCs.
If the patient's serum contains RF, the RF cross links with anti SRBC antibodies and the red blood cells agglutinate. If there's no antibodies in the patient, there's no agglutination.

Colostral and milk immunoglobulins:
colostrum: IgG > IgA > IgM
non-ruminant milk: IgA > IgG > IgM
ruminant milk: IgC >IgA > IgM

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