Saturday, February 6, 2010

Study plans

My sister was in town the last couple of days for interviews, so we got to hang out and discuss important things like our complete failure to study enough. We're at different stages of education, of course, so the solutions we found are a little bit different. But I realized that I really just don't budget enough time to study. So the new plan is that I will actually map out two hour chunks of study time. Doing that for this weekend has revealed that I have already failed to plan enough time to study, and it's only noon on Saturday.

On the other hand, I had a wonderful two hour conversation with my fiance yesterday. (it was my congratulations-on-getting-there present for him: a couple of hours of conversation in English)

Hurrah for Skype! It's much easier to call foreign cell phones when you don't have to punch in twenty or thirty numbers to get through. This becomes much more significant when the foreign cell phone drops the call for the third or fourth time.

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