Today I have accomplished lots and nothing at all!
A roll of verbiage, just to get it out of my system:
I spent a lot of the day buffering e-mails between the big organization and the visiting organization, both of which were very confused about the schedule. It took me three sets of e-mails (received and response) to figure out that the problem arose from the misplacement of a date, not the actual deletion of it. If any of that makes sense. I always come out of these things grateful for peaceful resolution, and fervently hoping that no one is going to be angry at me. I can imagine several very specific complaints of negligence to lodge against myself, but I think part of that is paranoia.
And then I had a nice long conversation with my fiance, via Skype. It was the first time I've ever used the video function, so THAT was an adjustment. It didn't feel at first like I was actually talking to him, since I was so very obviously talking at a computer. And then it was hard to draw the conversation to a close (although it was getting on toward 11 pm his time, and he still had homework to do). I think we'll probably have to schedule it like dating, not too often and with a set time to sign off. But overall, a very cool piece of technology.
One thing that really irked me, though--his host mother apparently made some comment about how we were talking too much, and how a previous study-abroad student had spent too much time talking to his fiancee "and that was why they broke up." It's one of those cases where my first reaction is "why would she even bring this up?" And my second reaction is wrathful indignation. So I went and played angry piano for a while, which helped (okay, so Mozart's Sonata in C doesn't really qualify as "angry").
Okay, back to studying! Or, I guess, just to studying, since I haven't gotten around to it yet today.