Friday, February 26, 2010

Okay, I can understand failing a path exam, but parasitology? Oo, that stings. One of the classes that I really actually like and try to do well in. It really smarts, too, that my lab partner probably did perfectly fine, despite the fact she avows her distaste for all things gross and routinely leaves lab an hour before me.

On the other hand, for once I didn't fail path, so does that mean it all balances out?


Going back and looking at the score, I thought to myself, "Huh, that number doesn't look that low..." Upon reworking the math, I found out that I did not in fact fail the parasitology exam. I still didn't do stellar on it, but apparently my ability to answer questions about parasites is at least a little bit better than my ability to divide numbers in my head.

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