Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pharm studying...

I. need. a. nap. I woke up at 5 am this morning, just like I did back in February on the untapered dose of prednisone. Alas, it was not accompanied by the irrepressible urge to study. It could have been; I caught an early bus to school, but I got sidetracked by the lake and took mostly blurry photos of geese for a while. If I'm going to make a habit of this, I really ought to start carrying my nice camera. It's not pocket sized, and it has the drawbacks of middle-range digital (grainy ISO, anyone?). But I can force it to do things like take photos in poor light that are not irretrievably blurry (or grainy), sometimes within seconds of pressing the button.

At any rate, I still have studying for the exam tomorrow to do, but my eyes are so tired it's distracting. So...perhaps a little nap...

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