Sunday, January 6, 2013

Le Birdies at Le Feeder

The birds are enjoying their feeder this morning. The snow has a scattering of seed (the birds are messy eaters and toss away the scraps) that gets more condensed every day. It's a grey day out, with the woods off in the distance a misty shading of blue but everything else is black or grey or white.

So far I have seen a cardinal, a tufted titmouse, lots of sparrows, lots of juncos, and at least one woodpecker. I think I may have seen a second one that was not nearly as showy, but I got distracted by the titmouse before I identified it. There's also a little sparrow looking bird--merp, it just flew off--that I think must be something else, because it has a tawny gold hue and only a couple of bars on the wings.

And now they are all gone. The chickadees start returning first, and...hah! I knew there was another woodpecker. This one is grey with a red cap, the other was a flashy black and white*.

I've heard a rumor that we are palpating cows later today, which is as far from watching birds as you can get, but for now it is nice to sit with tea and look out the window.

*Methinks I need a bird book.

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