We had a 4th year planning meeting today to learn about all the wonderful intimidating aspects of setting up our 4th years rotations and externships. I think for most of us--definitely for me--there was an element of: "Wait, what? Shoot, I have to get on this! I'm not ready!" On the one hand, I want to excel! I want to be enthusiastic and personable and competent on every rotation I do (and I want to do them all). On the other hand, I know I'm going to be tired and frazzled and will want to just go home as soon as I can, so I worry that I'm going to completely FAIL to be enthusiastic and competent (and as for being personable, well, one can only do so much while trying to remember the medicine, the science, the animal-handling, and how that one person is a pain to work with but DON'T let them know that).
Oh, and I have an exam tomorrow. I did not realize this until this morning. Upon reflection, I probably would have spent a lot less time driving around doing errands this weekend had I known. And more time studying the prevention of mastitis in dairy cows.