Thursday, September 4, 2008


The fastest physiology lecture ever--the lecturer just sped through the Nernst equation and let us go. I'm not sure I know what the Nernst equation is, but now I have lots of time to go find out.

They told us that we would be spending lots of time at the vet school, that classes would take all day and we'd barely have time to study. I'm sure that is true, but it makes the first week or two unsettling. There's all these random pockets of time that I'm not sure how to fill. The biggest problem is that now I'm not sure when to eat. Normally I like to wake up and eat breakfast, then go and have my time monopolized by work or class until it's time for lunch. Ditto for dinner. If I don't have lots of stuff to occupy my time I default to food. This works great during summer, when I eat food in very small portions about ten times a day. Not so good when I had a filling plateful of pizza during the student org meeting at lunch, plus cookie and candy to power through lecture (turned out they weren't necessary).

So. I could go look at cadavers and learn muscles better. Or histo slides. It's raining, so goofing off outside isn't an option.

Darn it, I need more stuff to learn!